Tuesday, October 31, 2006

NBLSA SCHOLARSHIPS (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, Undergrads)

Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: November 1, 2006

The Executive Board is proud to announce the Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is in honor of, Rodney Pulliam, who served as our National Chair as for the 1998-1999 academic year. Mr. Pulliam was an inspiration to all who knew him in service as a minister, husband, father, community activist, community servant and attorney. The scholarship shall be awarded in the amount of $500.00 to be used exclusively towards a Bar/Bri Bar preparation course. Thirty (30) scholarships in total with a break down of five (5) scholarships per region, representative of the Western, Rocky Mountain, Southern, Midwest, Mid Atlantic and Northeast Regions.

This scholarship will be awarded in the form of a $500.00 BARBRI certificate to thirty (30) recipients (five (5) from each of the six (6) NBLSA regions). Each recipient must be a second (2L) or third (3L) year law student. Applicants must write an essay addressing the issue posed by the essay question.

Do you feel that Affirmative Action has outlived its usefulness with regard to the African American community? If so, is there any need for the legal community to act in order to change it? If not, what else should the legal community focus on outside of the current scope of Affirmative Action in order to increase the higher educational opportunities for African American students?
The winning essay will be chosen on purpose, practicality, content, grammar and style. The essay must not exceed 1000 words, be typed, and be double-spaced on 8 ½" x 11" paper.


In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit the following:

  • Four (4) copies of your essay. Do NOT put your name or any identifying information on any page of the essay.
  • A letter from your chapter President or Treasurer certifying that you are a dues paying member for the 2006-2007 school year.
  • Letter from your law school certifying that you are an eligible J.D. candidate for the 2006-2007 school year; or will become and eligible candidate before December 2007.

Members of the NBLSA Board shall select the scholarship recipients. All proposals must be postmarked on or before Wednesday, November 1, 2006. All recipients will be notified by December 1, 2006 of their award and will be invited to attend the National Convention in Atlanta, GA at the recipient’s expense. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the contest. Please duplicate the application as necessary.

Please send your completed application package to:

Conway Ekpo & Nicole Alexander

NBLSA Education Co-Chairs

24 Johnson Avenue

Newark, NJ 07108

Attn: Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship


Nelson Mandela Scholarship
Application Deadline: November 1, 2006

The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) is pleased to announce the annual Nelson Mandela Scholarship. The scholarship’s namesake is the famed South African civil rights activities and political leader. Mr. Mandela has dedicated his life to liberating the people of South Africa from the oppressive hands of apartheid and segregation. The liberation efforts of Mr. Mandela are an inspiration to the members of NBLSA, which is why we choose to award this scholarship in his name. NBLSA takes great pride in the spirit of Mr. Mandela’s efforts to improve the state of affairs of Black people in South Africa.

The scholarship is awarded on an annual basis to six (6) African-American college students/graduates (one students from each NBLSA region) who plan to enter law school in the United States in the Spring of 2007 or Fall of 2007 and who will be first year law students, and to first year (1L) law students who entered law school during the Fall of 2006, and are currently first year law students. A $1000 monetary award and a certificate will be given to each student. The scholarship will provide financial support for award and a certificate will be given to each student. The scholarship will provide financial support for those whose financial condition is minimal. The scholarship can be used by the student in whatever capacity need be. Applicants must write a proposal addressing the issue raised by the essay question:

The United States government has recognized the violence, slaughter, rape, starvation and displacement of the Sudanese people in Darfur as "genocide". What role, if any, should the United States government play in eliminating this situation and why?
The winning essay will be chosen on content, grammar and style. The essay must be the completed product of the entrant. The proposal must be between 500 and 1000 words, typed, and double-spaced on 8 ½” x 11” paper.


  • Four (4) copy of your essay (between 500 and 1000 words). Put your name and address information on the cover sheet of the essay. (Do NOT put your name or any identifying information on any page of the essay)
  • A resume and two (2) letters of recommendation
  • An official transcript from all undergraduate institutions and law schools.
  • Must submit verification of acceptance to law school for the Spring or Fall 2006 or letter from your law school that you are a current first year student who entered law school in the Fall of 2006.
  • Must include community service, future career plans, and extracurricular activities.

Members of the NBLSA National Board shall select the scholarship recipients. All proposals must be postmarked on or before Wednesday, November 1, 2006. All recipients will be notified by December 1, 2006 if their award and will be invited to attend the National Convention in Atlanta, GA at the recipient’s expense. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the contest. Please duplicate the application as necessary.

Please send your completed application package to:
Conway Ekpo & Nicole Alexander

NBLSA Education Co-Chairs

24 Johnson Avenue

Newark, NJ 07108

Attn: Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship


Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: November 1, 2006

The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is named after the late Sandy Brown, a past NBLSA western regional director. Two (2) monetary awards (not less than $500) will be given commemorative of Ms. Brown. To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must be a rising second (1L) or third (2L) year law student. Applicants must write an essay on the issue posed by the essay question.

Should the recent changes to the bench of the United States Supreme Court give rise for concern in the African American community with respect to the erosion of our civil rights and liberties? If so, how so? If not, why not?

The winning essays will be chosen based on content, grammar, and style. The essay must be completed product of the entrant. The essay must be between 250 and 500 words, typed, and double-spaced on 8 ½” x 11” paper.

In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit the following:

  • Four (4) copies of your essay. Do NOT put your name or any identifying information on any page of the essay.
  • A letter from your chapter President and Treasurer certifying that you are a dues paying member for the 2006-2007 school year.
  • Letters from your law school certifying that you are a rising second or third year law student for the 2006-2007 school year.

Members of the NBLSA National Board shall select the scholarship recipients. All proposals must be postmarked on or before the Wednesday, November 1, 2006. All recipients will be notified by December 1, 2006, of their award and will be invited to attend the National Convention in Atlanta, GA at the recipient’s expense. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the contest.

Please send your completed application package to:
Conway Ekpo & Nicole Alexander

NBLSA Education Co-Chairs

24 Johnson Avenue

Newark, NJ 07108

Attn: Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship

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